You might be interested in how long it takes to mine 1 Ethereum.
There are many factors that go into how long it takes to mine one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world, including how much power your computer has and how often you can make changes on your hardware.
For example, if you have a fast processor but only an average graphics card, then it will take longer for your computer to process the algorithm before mining one Ethereum block.
But before we get too deep into how long it takes to mine one Ethereum token, let’s cover some background information about what exactly is needed in order to start mining cryptocurrency.
Why Mine Ethereum?
The first question you might be asking yourself is why Ethereum?
After all, Bitcoin has been around for a much longer time and is currently worth quite a bit more than Ethereum.
But there are several reasons why Ethereum can be a better investment option in the long run:
- First of all, Ethereum is not as saturated as Bitcoin when it comes to mining. This means that there is still potential for growth if you decide to start mining this cryptocurrency now.
- Secondly, Ethereum uses a different algorithm called Ethash which is ASIC resistant. This simply means that graphics cards can still be used to mine this cryptocurrency, making it more accessible for people who don’t want to spend too much money on hardware.
- The third reason why Ethereum might be a better investment is because of how fast this cryptocurrency has grown in the short period since it was launched.
How long does it take to mine one Ethereum?

The answer to that question depends entirely on how much power your computer can provide, and how well you will be able to scale up or down as needed.
In other words, if you have an average graphics card but a very powerful processor then there’s no doubt that you’ll reach profitability sooner than someone who only has an average graphics card.
This Ethereum mining calculator estimates that it would take 94.7 days to mine 1 Ethereum at the current Ethereum difficulty level along with the mining hashrate and block reward.
As the network expands, so does the amount of ETH released into the system every day. This number is certain to rise as mining difficulty rises.
What is Mining?
Mining is actually quite simple in concept, but the actual execution can be very complicated depending on how much information you are trying to compute each time.

Put simply, mining serves two main purposes:
- First of all, it verifies network transactions so that there’s no need for third parties when making exchanges between different cryptocurrencies.
- Secondly, mining secures the blockchain against attack by consistently generating new blocks and confirming old ones with cryptographic hashes (essentially creating an unbreakable sequence) adding them to the ledger every few minutes or seconds which makes future tampering almost impossible without changing subsequent blocks as well since any attempt would alter previous records.
One thing you should understand about how long it takes to mine one Ethereum is that mining actually works by using computer processing power.
In other words, your graphics card or processor will be used to solve complex algorithms in order for the network to confirm transactions and add them into a new block on the blockchain.
Every time someone successfully completes an algorithm and finds a new block, they get rewarded with cryptocurrency.
What is Proof of Work?
Proof of work (PoW) means that the miner who finds the solution first and verifies their block as correct gets to add it to their ledger.
In other words, how long does it take for someone else’s computer to verify your blocks and then how much time does it take for you all together before adding more information onto a blockchain has everything to do with how fast your hardware can calculate hashes which is what we call mining these cryptocurrencies.
Hashes are basically just cryptographic puzzle solutions that computers try to solve by trial and error since they cannot simply guess without taking too many resources in the process. When one attempts this on Bitcoin or Ethereum networks though there is usually some sort of bounty or reward that is given to the miner as an incentive.
Ethereum will be switching over proof of stake (PoS) in the near future, which is a different way to validate blocks on a blockchain. This will eventually replace proof of work (PoW). With this algorithm, the creator of the next block is chosen through random selection instead of how long it takes to mine one Ethereum (or the amount of processing power they have).
How do I start mining Ethereum?

The great thing about mining Ethereum is that you can still use your computer to do other things while it’s running in the background.
In fact, most people recommend starting out by downloading a software called Geth which will help you connect to the network and start mining right away.
There are also a few different programs that can be used for mining Ethereum including MinerGate, WinETH, and Cudo Miner.
For now, let’s just say that there are a variety of ways you can go about starting this process and it really depends on how much money you are willing to invest as well how much power your computer can provide.
The first example would be creating a mining rig which is essentially just a separate PC that has been built for the sole purpose of being able to mine Ethereum at maximum capacity so it will have multiple graphics cards installed.
This type of solution provides more hashes per second allowing miners to find blocks significantly faster and ultimately get their reward sooner than those who only use one or two video cards in their computers, but these types of rigs cost quite a bit upfront since they require expensive GPUs from AMD or NVIDIA depending on what kind you want.
The second example would be using an Ethereum mining software that runs on a single PC and then how to connect it with others in order to get more hashing power. This is how most other people will mine Ethereum tokens since the cost of building their own rig could potentially outweigh any amount they can earn through mining, but by using these programs you essentially just turn your PC into one miner among many so while it still requires quite a bit of computer hardware and electricity there’s no need for an expensive initial investment like we mentioned above.
The last example would be doing cloud mining where instead of buying or renting servers/rigs from someone else you actually purchase shares in a larger pool which gives you access to how much processing power everyone has together based on how many tokens you decide to put down.
This option usually has the lowest upfront cost, but it can also be a little riskier because you’re not in complete control of how your hardware is being used or what happens if the company decides to shut down operations.
Ethereum Mining Profitability

At the moment, Ethereum mining is still profitable in a number of different ways.
For example, when you compare it to Bitcoin mining which has become much more difficult and expensive over time, Ethereum can still be quite profitable if you have the right hardware and are willing to put in the work.
That being said, there are definitely some challenges that come with mining Ethereum as well.
The biggest one is the fact that Ethereum’s switch to PoS is looming in the near future which could make it difficult for miners to earn rewards if they’re not prepared for it.
But all things considered, if you are already mining Ethereum or looking into how to start, now is a good time to do so because of how the market is looking and how the blockchain is continuing to grow.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Ethereum worth mining?
That depends on how much you value your time. Right now, it’s still profitable to mine Ethereum, but the rewards are decreasing over time and it will take longer to mine a single block.
The switch to proof of stake is also a concern for some miners. In proof of stake, the technology uses randomly selected miners to validate transactions.
The best way to decide whether or not Ethereum is worth mining for you is to calculate how much money you can make from it and compare it to how much you would earn from other activities.
Will ETH mining end?
Not exactly. The switch to proof of stake will change how Ethereum is mined, but it won’t make the process stop completely.
Proof of work mining involves solving complex math problems for rewards while proof of stake relies on users putting down tokens in order to verify transactions and get rewarded with more tokens.
The idea behind proof of stake is that randomly selected miners validate transactions which should keep the blockchain secure without requiring as much electricity or computing power from PoS miners since you don’t have block rewards anymore.
If you are already mining Ethereum or looking into how to start, now is a good time to do so as the crypto market grows significantly.
How long it takes to mine 1 Ethereum, varies depending on how powerful your mining rig is, but it can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more to mine one Ethereum.
There are a number of different ways to mine Ethereum, so you may want to consider all of your options before getting started.
Happy mining!