73 Best Ways to Make Extra Money Online (in 2022)

Last updated on July 5, 2022

Making money from home is a dream for many people.

Whether you’re looking for ways to supplement your income or turn your side hustle into a full-time job, there are plenty of options available.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss 73 ways that will help you make more money from home in 2022.

These topics include everything from renting out additional space, freelancing, selling online, using micro-investing apps, and more.

Make sure you take the time to find out which of these options is right for you.

Let’s get started.

What Are the Best Ways to Make Extra Money Online?

Here is a list of the best ways to make extra money at home right now.

Best Ways to Make Extra Money Online

1) Create and sell handmade items

You can create and sell handmade items on a variety of platforms, including Etsy, eBay, and Amazon.

This is a great way to make money from home if you have artistic skills.

To get started, create an account on one of the popular online selling platforms, upload photos of your products, set up shop policies and payment information, and start marketing your products to buyers.

You can also market your items by using Pinterest or Instagram for some extra exposure.

This method works best if you have artistic skills, but it’s possible to make extra money around any product that sells well on these sites—from kitchenware to clothing.

You can check out my step-by-step guide to making money on Etsy for more tips.

2) Sell Used Household Items

When you’re looking for ways to make money from home, selling used items can be a great option.

You can sell items that you no longer need on online marketplaces like eBay or Craigslist.

One thing to keep in mind when selling used items is to research the going prices for similar products so that you don’t undercut yourself and lose potential profits.

Also, make sure to take good pictures of your products and write accurate descriptions so buyers know exactly what they’re getting.

This is a great way to declutter your home while making some extra cash.

3) Offer a 3D printing service

If you have experience with using a 3D printer and are knowledgeable about the printing process, you can offer your services to others who may not have the time or expertise to create their own prints.

Today, 3D printers make it possible to quickly create many different objects, including toys, jewelry, office supplies, or even furniture.

When pricing your services, remember to take into account the cost of materials and labor. Also, be sure to factor in shipping costs if you’re providing delivery for your customers.

This is a great way to make extra money from home while also gaining experience in an innovative industry.

4) Refinance Your Debt

Refinancing debt is the process of combining all your high-interest debt into one loan with a lower interest rate.

This can be a great way to save money on interest payments and get out of debt faster.

When refinancing your debt, you’ll need to provide information about the amount of debt you have, the current interest rates on each loan, and your credit score. The lender will then give you a new loan with a lower interest rate, which will save you money in the long run.

Keep in mind that when you refinance, you’re not creating new debt. Instead, you’re moving your debt to a loan with better terms that saves you money in the long run.

If you’re looking for ways to save extra money each month, refinancing your debt can be a great option.

5) Work as a Freelancer

Becoming a freelancer is a great way to make money from home while being totally in control of your own schedule.

Apart from earning extra money, many people choose to become freelancers because they want more freedom and flexibility in their lives.

When you work as a freelancer, you’ll need to market yourself by creating an online portfolio where other companies can see samples of your previous work.

Businesses also use websites like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer.com to hire freelancers. All three are great places to start earning extra money right away.

Freelancing is one of the best ways to make extra cash and even earn a livable wage from home.

6) Rent Your Gadgets by the Hour

Earn extra money by renting the gadgets you don’t use every day.

This allows people who don’t want or need the responsibility of owning something to still enjoy the benefits of a gadget like a camera, phone, or speaker system.

Places to rent your gadgets out include websites like Aarons, Rent-A-Center, and Flexshopper. You can also post a listing for your rental on websites like Craigslist or Kijiji.

If you have any unused gadgets in your house, this is a simple way to generate money from home.

7) Buy and Sell Domain Names

If you have a talent for spotting popular domain names before they become popular, this can be an easy way to make extra money online.

Not only are people always trying to get their hands on the latest .com domains, but owning them gives you complete control over who uses that name in the future.

When buying and selling domain names, remember that it’s very difficult to spot new trends or predict which websites will take off.

While some people may find success by doing this type of business online, there is no guarantee your investment will ever pay off at all.

This is one of many ways to make extra money while investing in something unique.

8) Buy and sell websites

Similar to buying and selling domain names, some people make a lot of money by buying and selling websites.

If you’re able to spot a website that is no longer being used or has low traffic, you can purchase it for a fraction of the original cost and resell it for a profit.

Keep in mind that this business takes time and effort to get off the ground.

You’ll need to invest in web hosting, create an attractive design for your website and promote it through social media or other online channels.

Buying and selling websites is one of the most difficult ways to make money, yet it also has the potential to make a lot of money over time.

9) Launch a Business with Kickstarter

Kickstarter is one of the easiest ways to make money online.

Kickstarter allows people looking for start-up capital to meet with prospective backers who can invest in their business ideas and get something tangible in return, like an early version of a new product.

If you have a great idea that other people believe has potential, Kickstarter could be just what you need to jumpstart your small business without having to pay back expensive loans or go into more debt.

This is another easy way to earn extra cash from home by using tools already available online.

10) Use Micro-investing Apps

Micro-investing apps allow you to invest your spare change, fractions of a dollar at a time. This allows people who don’t have hundreds or thousands of dollars lying around to put money towards companies they believe in.

One such app is Acorns—allowing you to “round up” purchases from linked credit cards and debit cards and invest that extra cash into stocks based on company profits instead of just letting it sit idle as cash.

The more transactions you link with this app, the faster it can grow your account balance which will eventually generate dividends if held long enough.

This is one way to earn real money by making small investments every day and letting them compound over time.

11) Do Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the ways you can make money online without actually selling a product yourself.

Rather than simply earning commissions for referrals, affiliate programs allow marketers to earn by offering other products or services that their target market may be interested in purchasing as well.

The best part about this business model? You don’t have to hold any inventory—just find something your audience will like and build an effective referral link you can post on relevant websites, email newsletters, or social media feeds.

This is another way to start making extra money from home with minimal investment other than the time needed to properly manage it.

12) Sell Leads

Selling leads is one of the ways to make money online that can be very lucrative for those who have a large network or following in their industry.

Although this practice has lost its popularity in recent years, selling website visitors’ contact information was once an extremely effective way for companies to generate new business and increase revenue.

Nowadays, many businesses are turning away from traditional methods of lead generation—like cold calling or pay-per-click ads—in favor of newer strategies like content marketing which require less time and resources on both sides of the equation.

This is another easy option you can try in your free time to earn extra cash.

13) Stake and Lend Cryptocurrency

Another way to make money from home is by staking and lending cryptocurrency.

In short, this practice allows you to loan out your digital currency—like Bitcoin or Ethereum—to another user in the form of a smart contract that will automatically pay back both parties once a certain amount of time has passed with an agreed-upon interest rate.

This method requires a large initial investment but can return high dividends if done properly.

This is another technique for earning extra money online without having many overhead costs other than purchasing cryptocurrencies.

14) Write and publish an eBook

Another great option for creating a new source of income is to write and publish your own eBook.

This requires a large investment of time and energy, but it can be extremely lucrative if done properly—especially in the self-help or how-to market which has been growing consistently for decades now.

There are a variety of ways to go about publishing an eBook, but the most popular (and easiest) way is to use Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program.

This allows you to upload your manuscript and make it available for purchase on Amazon.com in just a few short minutes.

You can also market your book through other online channels like social media, email lists, or even paid advertising if you have the budget for it.

Writing and releasing an eBook is the perfect way for anybody who enjoys writing and wants to create a revenue stream from the comfort of their home.

15) Rent Out an Additional Space

If you have an extra room in your house that isn’t being used, consider renting it out to a tenant.

There are several ways to find tenants, but the most common is by listing your space on websites like Airbnb or Craigslist.

If you know someone who’s looking for a place to stay, you can also promote your home through classified advertisements or word-of-mouth.

Just be sure that you’re screening potential tenants carefully and doing everything possible to protect yourself from any legal issues that may arise (like damage done to the property, unpaid rent, etc.).

This is another lucrative option for those who want to start making extra money right away.

16) Work in Customer Service

Another great way to make money from home is by working in customer service.

For those who are patient and like assisting others, this may be a great option.

Several companies offer customer service work-from-home opportunities, but the most common are call centers.

These businesses provide support to customers via telephone or email and usually require employees to work a certain number of hours each week.

This is an excellent option for those who want to start making extra money right away and don’t mind dealing with the occasional difficult customer.

17) Teach a Virtual Class

Another great way to make money from home is by teaching a virtual class.

This can be extremely lucrative if you’re an expert in your field and know how to teach others, but it’s also a low-cost upfront investment since all you need is a computer and video chat software like Skype or Google Hangouts.

Some of the most popular ways to teach classes include webinars, group coaching sessions, live meetups via platforms like Meetup.com, or even online classrooms through sites like Udemy.

If you have expertise and understanding in a specific field that others may benefit from, teaching a virtual class is a great way to earn extra money each month.

18) Score a New Bank Account Bonus

If you’re looking for ways to make extra money fast, one option is to open a new bank account.

Many banks offer sign-up bonuses of $100 or more when you open a new account and meet certain requirements (like depositing a certain amount of money into the account).

This may not be the most lucrative option on this list, but it’s a great way to make some extra cash without having to do much work.

All you need to do is find a bank that offers a good bonus and meet the requirements for getting that bonus.

This is an easy option for those who want to start making money right away.

19) Invest in Real Estate

If you’re looking for ways to make extra money in the long term, one option is to invest in real estate.

This can be a great way to build wealth over time and generate passive income.

There are many ways to invest in real estate, but the most common is through buying property (either outright or through a rental property investment). You can also invest in real estate by purchasing stocks or mutual funds that are tied to the housing market.

This may require a larger upfront investment than some of the other options on this list, but it’s a great way to see significant returns over time.

This option is best for those who want to generate real wealth and have the time to let their investment grow.

20) Claim Credit Card Rewards

If you’re looking for ways to make extra money fast, one option is to redeem credit card rewards.

Many cards offer cashback or points that can be redeemed for gift cards and other items.

It’s important to note that this isn’t the most lucrative way to earn money since you’ll typically only receive a few dollars per month in return (depending on what type of card you use), but it can certainly add up over time if done consistently.

This is an easy way to start making some extra cash each month without doing any additional work beyond swiping your credit card when purchasing things throughout the year.

21) Create or Edit Videos

If you’re a creative person and have a knack for video editing, this could be an excellent way to make money from home.

There’s no shortage of work on platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer.com, or Upwork if you take the time to find available jobs.

It may require some upfront work to build your portfolio, but once it’s done you can start generating income right away with just about any type of video project.

This option is best for those who are looking for ways to make extra money while using their creative expertise.

22) Become an Instagram Influencer

If you’re looking for ways to make extra money, one option is to become an Instagram influencer.

This can be a great way to work with brands and companies that align with your personal interests in exchange for getting paid when they promote their products or services on your account.

While this may seem like it’s reserved only for larger accounts, there are many ways to get started even if you don’t have thousands of followers yet.

This is best for those who want the freedom and flexibility of working from home while leveraging their social media influence to generate income.

23) Invest with Peer to Peer Lending Sites

If you’re looking for ways to make extra money fast, one option is to invest in peer-to-peer lending sites.

These are websites that connect people who want to borrow money with those willing to lend it.

This can be a good way to earn interest on your investments while helping someone get the capital they need without having to go through extensive bank procedures.

Like real estate investing, this may require a larger initial investment than some of the other options on this list but could lead to significant returns over time if done correctly.

This works best for those who have a lump sum of cash available and want high returns quickly.

24) Rent Out Your Car

If you have a car that you’re not using all the time, one option is to rent it out on Turo.

This is an online platform that allows people to rent cars from private owners instead of through a rental company.

You can set your own rates and availability, making it a great way to make some extra money on the side.

Turo takes care of insurance and maintenance costs, so you don’t have to worry about anything beyond setting up your listing and meeting your renters.

This option is best for those who want to make money without too much additional work and who have a car they’re not using often.

25) Earn Referral Bonuses

Many companies offer referral bonuses for those who refer new customers to their business.

This can be a great way to make some extra money, especially if you have a large social media following or know people in high-profile positions.

All you need to do is find out which companies offer referral bonuses and start promoting them to your network.

You could even create a dedicated website or blog post highlighting the best referral bonuses out there.

This option is best for those who want to make easy money by leveraging their personal networks.

26) Earn Money While Shopping

If you’re looking for ways to make extra money while shopping online, one option is to use a shopping app like Honey.

These apps allow you to earn cashback on your purchases from a variety of stores, both online and offline.

All you need to do is install the app and then start shopping online as normal. The app will automatically detect when you’re making a purchase from one of its partnered retailers and give you a percentage of cashback on your purchase.

This option is best for those who want to make money while doing something they already do – shop!

27) Become an email marketing consultant

One way to make extra money from home is to become an email marketing consultant.

This involves helping businesses create and execute email marketing campaigns that will reach their target audiences.

You could offer services such as creating email content, designing templates, A/B testing, or providing analysis of the results.

This can be a great option for those with experience in digital marketing or who have a strong understanding of how email marketing works.

28) Start a Blog

If you have a talent for writing or know a lot about a particular subject, one option is to start your own blog.

You can monetize it in several ways including selling ad space and partnering with companies that might want to reach an existing audience interested in your niche.

As long as you have a high-quality blog with regular content, this can be a great way to make extra money.

Starting and running a blog is best for those who love sharing their knowledge on topics they’re passionate about.

29) Get Paid for Your Opinions

Focus groups are a great way to make extra money by providing your thoughts and opinions on products, services, or current events.

Generally, focus groups meet in person at a designated location, but sometimes they’re done online as well.

Before participating in a focus group, be sure to review the company’s policies and procedures so you know what will be expected of you. Also, ask how much you’ll be compensated for your time—focus groups typically pay between $25 and $75 an hour.

This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with others while earning some extra cash.

30) Tutor Remotely

If you’re a teacher or have expertise in a particular subject, you could offer your services as a tutor online.

This can be a great way to help students learn and also make some extra money.

Several platforms allow you to tutor remotely, including Italki, Tutor.com, and Chegg Tutors.

You simply create an account, post your profile and wait for requests to come in. You can set your own rate or charge by the hour like other tutors do on these platforms.

This option is best for those who are passionate about helping others learn new skills and excel academically.

31) Be a Social Media Manager

Social media managers are in high demand, and for good reason.

With so many businesses using social media to reach their target audiences, it’s important to have someone who can help manage and grow those accounts.

If you’re an experienced social media user and know how to create effective campaigns, you could offer your services as a social media manager. You can find clients through online job boards or by reaching out to businesses directly.

For people who want to apply their social media skills and expertise to assist others in achieving online success, I recommend this track.

32) Do Online Surveys

Online surveys are a great way to make extra money by sharing your thoughts and opinions on products, services, or current events.

Many survey companies will pay you for participating in their studies, and some of them even offer cash prizes.

To find reputable survey companies, do a quick online search or check out websites like Survey Junkie and Swagbucks.

This is for individuals who have time to express their views and opinions in return for some additional money.

33) Have a Garage Sale

If you’ve been trying to declutter your home and get rid of things that are taking up space, a garage sale can be a great way to make money.

You’ll need to advertise it online or put signs around the neighborhood, but once people start showing up, you should have no trouble selling off items for extra cash.

Garage sales are a great option for those who want to make some extra money from clutter they don’t use anymore.

34) Host a podcast

If you’re passionate about a certain topic and have knowledge to share, starting a podcast could be a great way to make money.

Podcasting is growing in popularity, and there are many ways to monetize your show.

You can sell advertising space, offer premium content for a fee or create products related to your podcast.

If you want to make extra money sharing your knowledge and expertise with others in an engaging and entertaining way, this option is for you.

35) Pet Sit

If you’re an animal lover, pet sitting could be a great way to make some extra money.

You can find clients by posting online or word of mouth, and most pet sitters charge by the hour or day.

For those who enjoy spending time with animals, this is one of the best ways to make extra money.

36) Mine Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are becoming more popular, and many people are investing in them.

If you want to invest in cryptocurrency, you can do so by mining it.

This involves using computer hardware to solve complex math problems to verify transactions on the blockchain. In return, you receive rewards in the form of cryptocurrency.

If you’re interested in learning more about cryptocurrencies and how to mine them, I recommend this track.

Mining cryptocurrencies is a great option is for those who want to invest time and money into an exciting and potentially profitable venture.

37) Grow And Sell Your Own Produce

If you have a green thumb and enjoy growing your own vegetables or fruits, this could be an interesting way to make money.

You’ll need the space and resources for it, but once you’ve set up, selling some of your produce can provide extra money each month.

For those who know how to grow their own food successfully and want more ways to get involved with fresh organic produce, I recommend trying out this idea.

38) Become a narrator or voice over artist

If you have a naturally pleasant-sounding voice and like the idea of recording yourself reading books, articles, or other pieces of text, becoming a narrator is one of the most creative ways to make extra money.

There are many websites and services that offer work for voice over artists, including Voices.com, Voices123, or Fiverr.

If you want to make extra money by using your voice in a fun and interesting way, this option is perfect for you.

39) Create and sell NFTs

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are becoming more popular. Like cryptocurrencies, they’re unique and provide interesting ways to make money by creating something that can be traded or sold for a profit.

For those who have experience in using software like Unity and want ways to get involved with crypto tokens without worrying about mining, I recommend checking out this idea.

Likewise, for anyone interested in applying their creative talents in a new industry, this is one of the most creative ways to make extra money.

40) Research for Others

Do you have a keen eye for detail and enjoy looking up information?

If so, becoming someone who researches topics or provides other people with detailed information could be a great way to make extra money.

Researching is one of the best ways to make extra money if you have free time.

If you want low-cost ways to make extra money each month without having to put much effort into it, researching may be perfect for you!

41) Become a copywriter

Copywriters are in high demand, and many people are willing to pay good money for quality content.

If you’re interested in writing articles, blog posts or other forms of content and want ways to make extra money, becoming a copywriter is a great option.

This is one of the best ways to make extra money if you’re able to write well and have some samples of your work available.

42) Online translator

Do you know more than one language? If so, online translator jobs could be a great way to make extra money.

There are many websites and services that need people to translate texts from one language to another, and the pay can be good.

This is a great option for those who want ways to make extra money by using their bilingual skills. In addition, it’s an easy way to work from home and get paid.

If you’re interested in becoming an online translator, check out websites like Language Wire and ProZ to get started.

43) Create and Sell an Online Course

Do you have a skill or knowledge that people may want to learn? If so, creating an online course could be the perfect way to make extra money.

With Udemy, Teachable, and other websites out there offering ways for instructors to sell their courses online, this is one of the easiest ways to get started.

If you’re interested in ways to make extra money by sharing your knowledge with others, creating an online course may be perfect for you.

44) Start Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a great way to make extra money without having your own inventory, and it’s easier than many people think.

Using apps like Oberlo or Shopify can help you get started with dropshipping in no time at all.

For those interested in ways they can start their own business from home, this is perfect for them.

Likewise, if you have an interest in selling products online but don’t want to buy wholesale or go through the trouble of finding suppliers, I recommend checking out this idea.

45) Provide a Transcription Service

You can earn extra income by providing a transcription service, especially if you have good typing skills and can listen to audio files and type out the text.

If you’re interested in becoming a transcriber, I recommend checking out sites like Tigerfish, CastingWords, and Crowdsurf.

46) White hat hacking

White hat hacking is a process of exploiting vulnerabilities in systems for good instead of malicious reasons.

This is in high demand from large corporations who are willing to pay well for your services.

This is one of the ways to make extra money that not many people know about.

If you have experience with computers and are interested in ways to make extra income through security research or ethical hacking, then this may be perfect for you.

Check out websites like Bugcrowd, HackerOne, and Synack to get started.

47) Sell Custom Printed Products

There are many ways to make extra money through selling custom printed products.

You can create everything from t-shirts and coffee cups to hoodies, mugs, and hats with your branding on them.

I recommend checking out websites like Custom Ink, Printful, and Zazzle if you’re interested in ways that help you get started quickly without having much investment upfront.

If you have a passion for graphic design or fashion, creating and selling custom printed products is a great option.

48) Become a Virtual assistant

If you have great organizational skills and are willing to learn, becoming a virtual assistant can be an excellent way to make extra money.

You can work remotely for many different companies or entrepreneurs who need help with things like scheduling meetings, answering emails, typing up documents, and more.

Sites like TaskRabbit and Upwork can help you get started.

49) Do Remote Project Management

If you have the experience or desire to learn project management, doing remote project management for companies can be a great way to earn extra income.

You can work with clients all over the world and manage projects remotely.

There are many websites that offer ways for people to get started in this field, such as Guru and PeoplePerHour.

50) Produce And Sell Your Music

If you have musical talent, producing and selling your own music can be a great way to make extra money.

There are ways for people of all skill levels to get started today with websites like Bandcamp and CD Baby.

This is a fun way to make extra money if you’re musically inclined. If this interests you, be sure to check out the websites I listed for ways to get started.

51) Become a Facebook Advertising Consultant

If you’re experienced running successful Facebook ad campaigns, there are many ways for you to make extra money by becoming a consultant.

You can help companies develop successful ad campaigns and they’ll pay you well depending on the success of the campaign.

This is one way to make extra money that not too many people think about, but it’s very lucrative if you’re good at it.

I recommend checking out websites like UpWork, Fiverr and PeoplePerHour to get started.

52) Become an SEO Consultant

If you know how to drive traffic through search engine optimization, there are ways for you to make extra money in any industry.

You can help companies increase their website’s rankings and they’ll pay you well depending on the success of your work.

If you’re interested in learning more about SEO and what it takes to be a good consultant, check out websites like Moz, Search Engine Journal, and SEMrush.

53) Sell Your Baked Goods

If you’re a good baker, selling your baked goods can be a great way to make some extra money.

There are ways for people of all levels of baking experience to get started, and it’s a fun way to share your creations with others.

One way that you can sell your baked goods from home is by starting an online store on websites like Etsy or Zazzle.

This is a great option if you love baking and want to make some extra income.

54) Become A Pro Gamer

If you’re a video gamer, there are ways for you to make extra money by becoming a professional gamer.

There are many tournaments and competitions that payout large sums of money to the winners.

You can also become a gaming commentator or reviewer to make some extra cash.

If you’re looking to use your skills and passion for gaming to make some extra money, this can be a lucrative option.

55) Trim Your Bills With Truebill

If you have a habit of overpaying your bills, Truebill can help you save money by negotiating with companies to get the best rates and save money.

You’ll pay them a flat fee for this service and they take care of everything else.

This is one way to make extra money that not too many people think about, but it’s very lucrative if done correctly.

Overpayment fees are something that most people don’t even consider when paying their bills each month, so getting rid of these costs alone will allow some extra cash in your wallet at the end of every month.

This option works well if you’re looking for ways to trim expenses from your monthly budget without spending hours on the phone haggling with customer service agents.

56) Become a Custom Furniture Supplier

If you’re good at carpentry, becoming a custom furniture supplier can be a great way to make some extra money.

There are ways for people of all levels of carpentry experience to get started, and it’s a fun way to share your creations with others.

One way that you can sell your custom furniture from home is by starting an online store on websites like Etsy or Zazzle.

Another option is to find local businesses that may need custom furniture made for them. You can network with other business owners in your area and see if there’s a need for this service.

This is a great option if you love carpentry and want a unique way to make some extra money.

57) Create A Membership Site

If you have a niche hobby, creating a membership site can be an easy way to make some extra money.

You’ll create content on your website that people are willing to pay monthly or yearly fees for access to.

This option works especially well if you’re trying to figure out ways to make money from a hobby that isn’t easily monetized.

If this interests you, get started building your own membership website with WordPress or Squarespace.

58) Set Up A Ghostwriting Business

If you’re a good writer, setting up a ghostwriting business can be a great way to make some extra money.

You’ll write content for other people who don’t have the time or skills to do it themselves.

There are many websites like Fiverr or Upwork that offer freelance writing jobs, so be sure to check them out and see if there’s an opportunity for you.

Ghostwriting is a great way to get started in the freelance writing world, and it can be very lucrative if done correctly.

59) Do Data Entry

Data entry work is a great way to make some extra money in your free time.

You’ll perform data entry tasks for companies that don’t want to hire employees full-time.

This option is perfect if you love doing things like Excel spreadsheets and other forms of number crunching.

If data entry sounds interesting, check out websites like Upwork or Freelancer.com where you can get started finding work immediately.

60) Test Digital Products

You’ll test and review software, apps, and other types of online tools that may be used by businesses or consumers.

The pay varies depending on the type of testing required but it’s usually an easy side job that operates off your own schedule.

If this sounds interesting, check out sites like UserTesting where companies are constantly looking for testers who can provide valuable feedback on their websites.

This option works well if you love technology and want ways to make money from it.

61) Do WordPress Website Consulting

If you’re good at WordPress, becoming a WordPress consultant can be a great way to make some extra money.

You’ll help people set up, design, and troubleshoot their websites using the WordPress platform.

There are many businesses out there that need expert help setting up their WordPress sites, so this could be a great opportunity for you.

Be sure to market yourself well and have an attractive portfolio ready to show potential clients.

62) Monetize Calligraphy and Penmanship

If you’re good at calligraphy or penmanship, there are ways to monetize your unique skills.

You can set up an Etsy store where people will pay for pieces of art created by hand.

You’ll be able to sell anything from cards and stationery items to wedding invitations and birthday cards.

This option is perfect if you love creating beautiful works of handwriting that others would want in their homes or offices.

This side hustle requires some patience but it’s very lucrative once word gets out about what you do.

63) Do Pet Grooming

Pet grooming is a great way to make some extra money in your free time.

You’ll perform pet grooming tasks for people who don’t have the time or tools required to do it themselves.

This option works especially well if you love animals and want ways to make money from working with them.

There are many opportunities out there where dog walkers, sitters, and other pet professionals can join forces with local businesses that need their services as an added convenience to customers.

Be sure to market yourself well on sites like Rover.com so potential clients can find you easily when they’re looking for these types of services in your area.

64) Write Content For Websites

Many businesses are looking for skilled writers to create high-quality content for their websites. If you’re a skilled writer, this could be a great opportunity for you.

You’ll write articles, blog posts, and other types of web copy that will help the business attract customers and increase its online visibility.

If this sounds interesting, check out job boards like Indeed or LinkedIn where businesses post their open positions regularly.

Be sure to include a strong portfolio with your applications so potential employers can see what type of writing style you have.

65) Be a Product Tester

If you’re the type of person who loves trying out new products, then being a product tester may be the perfect side hustle for you.

You’ll test and review products before they hit the market. This can include anything from food and drinks to cosmetics and electronics.

There are many companies like Betabound and UserTesting that are always looking for new product testers, so be sure to do some research online to find ones that are hiring in your area.

66) Do Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is a great way to make some extra money if you’re good with numbers and have experience in accounting.

You’ll work with businesses to help them keep track of their expenses and income. This can include recording transactions, preparing invoices, and tracking payments.

There are many businesses out there that need help staying organized and keeping track of their finances, so this could be a great opportunity for you.

If bookkeeping sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out job boards like Indeed or LinkedIn where businesses post their open positions regularly.

67) Start Making Soap And Lotions

If you’re creative and love making your own products, then starting a soap and lotions business may be the perfect side hustle for you.

You’ll make all types of handmade soaps, bath bombs, lotions, and more. This is a great option if you want to start your own business but don’t have a lot of money to invest upfront.

There are many ways to market your soaps and lotions. You can sell them on sites like Etsy or eBay, or set up shop at local craft fairs.

Be sure to create an attractive website or social media page where people can learn more about your products and see photos of your creations.

68) Offer Antique Refurbishment Services

If you love working with older things and have an eye for restoration, then offering antique refurbishment services may be the perfect side hustle for you.

You can find ways to refurbish everything from furniture and dishes to coins and jewelry.

If your local area is full of antique shops, this could turn into a great part-time business opportunity that brings in extra cash on the weekends and operates on your own schedule.

Be sure to create an attractive website or social media page where potential clients can learn more about what you do and see photos of some examples of your work.

69) Review Products Or Services

You can review anything from food and drinks to cosmetics and electronics.

You’ll write honest reviews that will help potential customers decide if they want to purchase the product or service.

There are many websites like InboxDollars and Swagbucks that are always looking for new reviewers, so be sure to do some research online to find ones that are hiring in your area.

70) Create An App

If you have some coding skills and a great idea, then creating an app may be the perfect side hustle for you.

You can create apps for everything from games to productivity tools. You’ll need to come up with a clever idea and design a user-friendly interface that people will love.

The best part is that you don’t need to have a lot of money to get started.

You can create your app yourself using online tools, or hire someone to help you. Once it’s completed, you can market it on app stores and social media.

71) Create And Sell Recipes

If you love cooking and baking, then creating and selling recipes may be the perfect side hustle for you.

You can create recipes for everything from appetizers to desserts. You’ll need to come up with an attractive name and design a user-friendly website or social media page.

Make sure to include photos of your completed creations, as well as step-by-step instructions so others can easily follow along.

You can sell your recipes online on sites like Etsy or market them locally to restaurants and catering companies.

72) Host Webinars

Webinars are a great way to share your knowledge with the world and make some extra money at the same time.

You’ll need to come up with a clever idea for your webinar, then market it online using social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

Once you have a few people signed up, you’ll be ready to start hosting your webinars. Be sure to provide valuable content that will help your audience learn something new.

You can also offer products or services related to your topic during the webinar for an additional income stream.

73) Get Paid to Proofread

If you’re a grammar nerd and have an eye for detail, then getting paid to proofread may be the perfect side hustle for you.

You can find online proofreading jobs through websites like Upwork and Freelancer.com, or by contacting local businesses directly.

Proofreading is a great way to make some extra money on the side, and it’s something that you can do from anywhere in the world.

Be sure to set up a professional-looking website or social media page where people can learn more about what you do and see examples of your work.


How can I make extra money fast?

You can make money fast by selling items in your home that you no longer need, using an app like Turo to rent your car, or taking on a short-term project as an independent contractor.

How can I make money on the side?

There are many ways to make money on the side, including freelancing, tutoring, and proofreading. You can also find work on websites like Fiverr or start selling products online.

How can I make an extra $100 today?

The fastest way to make $100 today would be to try to leverage a bank account sign on bonus.

Banks offer bonuses of $100-$200 for opening a new account and meeting certain requirements, such as making a set number of transactions.

You could also try one of the methods listed in this article like selling a used household item on eBay or Craigslist.

How can I make money in one hour?

There several ways to make extra money in just one hour. You could take online surveys, complete small tasks or offer services such as dog walking or tutoring.

All of these options are available online and can be done at your convenience. Plus, they don’t require much effort – perfect for those who want to make some quick cash.


There you have it – 73 ways to make extra money online in 2022! Hopefully, one of these ideas will be a perfect fit for you. Be sure to do your research and choose something that you’re excited about so you’ll be motivated to stick with it.

Did I miss any great ways to make extra money online? Reach out and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.

Last updated on July 5, 2022

Money Peoples is reader-supported. Disclosure. When you sign up through links on this post, we may receive compensation at no cost to you. This site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice.

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Money Peoples

Money Peoples is a free resource for anyone looking to make an income in the gig economy. Whether it’s helpful guides, reviews, or tools, we share firsthand experience and rigorous research on the best ways to make money in the gig economy.
Money Peoples is reader-supported. Disclosure. When you sign up through links on this post, we may receive compensation at no cost to you. This site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice.

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