Living frugally is a lifestyle choice that more and more people are making every day.
It’s all about being mindful of where you spend your money and doing everything to only spend on what is necessary.
Out of 2,000 Americans surveyed in a new study, they found that 88 percent of participants are watching their spending habits more carefully since the corona virus pandemic.
Saving money is an important part of managing personal finances, and these frugal tips should give you a guideline for saving more money in your life.
This comprehensive list will give you the best frugal living tips to fit into any lifestyle.
Let’s get started.
What is frugal living?
Frugal living is the practice of spending money sparingly or frugally. It is about learning to be resourceful and using only what is necessary.
It is a way of life that helps people save money, live within their means, and get the most out of what they have.
How can I start living frugally?
The best way to start living frugally is to assess your current spending habits and find areas where you can cut back.
You can start by creating a budget and tracking your expenses for one month. This will give you a good idea of where your money is going and where you can make changes.
Once you have a good understanding of your spending habits, you can start making adjustments to save money.
What are the best frugal living tips?
Remember, frugal living is all about being mindful of your spending and making changes to save money.
Make sure to go through the entire list and see what areas of your life you can realistically change for the better.
Here are my top picks for the best frugal living tips to start today.
Frugal living tips to save money at home

1) Buy in bulk
One of the best ways to save money is to buy in bulk. This can be done at warehouse clubs like Costco or online retailers like Amazon.
You can save a lot of money by buying items in bulk because you are getting a discount on the per-unit price.
Just make sure that you are only buying what you need and that you have enough storage space for the items.
2) Eat at home
Another great way to save money is to eat at home more often. Eating out can be expensive, so it’s best to cook at home whenever possible.
Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be able to control the ingredients and portions.
And if cooking is not your thing, there are plenty of quick and easy recipes that you can make with little effort.
3) Create a meal plan
One way to save money and eat at home more often is to create a meal plan. This will help you to know what you need to buy and make ahead of time.
It can be as simple as planning out your meals for the week on Sunday or creating a monthly menu.
Either way, having a plan will help you to save money and time.
4) Bring food from home to work
If you eat out for lunch every day, you’re wasting a lot of money. A better option is to bring food from home to work.
This can be anything from leftovers to a simple sandwich. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be able to control what you’re eating.
5) Make your own bread
Another frugal tip is to make your own bread. This may seem like a lot of work, but it’s actually quite easy and doesn’t take very much time.
Plus, you’ll save a lot of money by making your own bread since a loaf can cost upwards of $20.
You can find a simple recipe online or in a cookbook.
6) Make your birthday cakes
If you have kids, you know how expensive birthday parties can be. A frugal tip is to make your own cakes and decorations instead of buying them.
This will save you a lot of money and the cake will taste just as good. Plus, your kids will be impressed by your creativity.
7) Grow your own herbs
Another frugal tip for the kitchen is to grow your own herbs. This is a great way to save money because you won’t have to buy them at the store.
Plus, they’ll be fresher and taste better than store-bought herbs. All you need is a pot, some soil, and some seeds.
8) Cook in batches
A great frugal tip for busy families is to cook in batches. This means making a large amount of food at once and then freezing the leftovers.
This is a great way to save time and money because you’ll only have to cook once, but you’ll have multiple meals.
9) Drink water instead of juice or soda
A simple way to save money is to drink water instead of juice or soda. Juice and soda are expensive, and they’re not good for you.
Water is free and it’s the best thing for your body. So, next time you’re thirsty, reach for a glass of water instead of a sugary drink.
10) Use a slow cooker
A slow cooker is a great way to save time and money. You can throw all of your ingredients in the pot in the morning and let it cook all day.
This is perfect for busy families or anyone who doesn’t have a lot of time to cook. Plus, you’ll save money by not having to order takeout.
11) Make your own laundry detergent
One way to save money around the house is to make your own laundry detergent. This is a great frugal tip because you’ll save a lot of money in the long run.
Plus, you can control the ingredients and make sure that it’s safe for your family. You can find a simple recipe online or in a book.
12) Wash your clothes in cold water
Another frugal tip for the laundry room is to wash your clothes in cold water. This will save you money on your energy bill and it’s better for your clothes.
Plus, it’s just as effective as washing in hot water. So, next time you do a load of laundry, make sure to switch the dial to cold.
13) Always use a full dishwasher
One frugal tip for the kitchen is to always use a full dishwasher. This will save you money on your water bill and it’s better for the environment.
You’ll also get your dishes clean faster if you wait until the dishwasher is full. So, next time you’re tempted to wash a few dishes by hand put them in the dishwasher instead.
14) Use a clothesline or drying rack
A frugal tip for the laundry room is to use a clothesline or drying rack instead of the dryer. This will save you money on your energy bill and it’s better for your clothes.
Next time you need to dry your clothes, try hanging them up instead.
15) Use reusables instead of paper products
A frugal tip for the kitchen is to use reusables instead of paper products. This will save you money in the long run and it’s better for the environment.
Plus, it’s just as easy to use a reusable cup, towel, or plate as it is to use a disposable one.
16) Keep your windows well insulated
A frugal tip for the winter is to keep your windows well insulated. This will save you money on your energy bill and it’s better for the environment.
It will keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
17) Downsize your space
A frugal tip for anyone looking to save money is to downsize your space. This means living in a smaller home or apartment.
This will save you money on your rent or mortgage and it’s a great way to declutter your life. It can be really freeing to live with less stuff and it will also reduce the amount of money you spend on utilities.
18) DIY before calling professionals when possible
Try to DIY before calling professionals. This will save you money in the long run and it’s a great way to learn new skills.
Of course, there are some things that should be left to the professionals, but if you’re feeling handy then give it a try yourself first.
19) Sell stuff you don’t need
If you’re looking to save money, then one frugal tip is to sell stuff you don’t need. This will declutter your home and it’s a great way to make some extra cash.
You can sell items online or have a garage sale. Just get rid of anything that you don’t use or need.
20) Get rid of your house phone
This will save you money on your monthly bill and it’s not necessary in most cases.
If you need a phone, then use your cell phone or get a VoIP service like Skype. There’s no need to pay for a landline anymore.
21) Don’t lease your internet modem, purchase it instead
When you purchase your modem outright, it saves you money in the long run.
Leasing a modem from your internet service provider costs more in the long run and it’s not necessary.
You can find a great deal on a new or used modem online or at an electronics store. Just make sure it’s compatible with your internet
22) Take shorter showers
This will save you money on your water bill and it’s better for the environment.
Plus, it’s just as effective as taking a long shower. So, next time you’re in the shower, make sure to cut it down to five minutes or less.
23) Install a low-water toilet
Installing a low-water toilet will save you money on your water bill and it’s better for the environment.
You can find these toilets at most home improvement stores or online. They’re not that expensive and they’ll save you a lot of water in the long run.
24) Install low-flow showerheads
Installing low-flow showerheads is another frugal tip that will save you money on your water bill and it’s better for the environment.
You can find these showerheads at most home improvement stores or online. They’re not that expensive and they’ll save you a lot of water in the long run.
25) Wash full loads of laundry
This is another tip that will save you money on your water bill and it’s better for the environment.
It’s just as effective as washing partial loads of laundry.
26) Keep the lint filter on your dryer clean
A clean lint filter will make your dryer run more efficiently. You can clean the filter with a vacuum or by running it under water to save money on your energy bill.
27) Keep lights and fans off
It’s simple to do and it can really add up over time. Just make sure to turn off lights and fans when you’re not using them.
28) Insulate your attic space
Insulating your attic space can save you money on your energy bill and it’s a great way to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
You can find insulation at most home improvement stores or online. It’s not that expensive and it’s easy to install yourself.
29) Eliminate cable
Cable is a luxury and it’s not necessary. There are so many other ways to watch TV now, like streaming services or an antenna.
This can be a great way to save money on your monthly expenses.
There are plenty of alternatives to cable that can still give you access to the shows and movies you love. So, you won’t have to miss out on anything.
30) Install LED bulbs
LED bulbs are more expensive than traditional bulbs, but they last longer and use less energy.
You can find LED bulbs at most home improvement stores or online. They’re a great investment and they’ll save you money in the long run.
31) Close off rooms you don’t use
If you have rooms in your home that you don’t use, then close them off to save money on your energy bill.
You can close the vents and doors to these rooms so that they’re not heated or cooled. This is a great way to save money if you have a large home.
32) Negotiate lower cable, phone, insurance bills
You can usually get a lower rate on your bills by simply calling and negotiating.
It’s worth it to take the time to call and see if you can get a lower rate. You may be surprised at how easy it is to save money.
Frugal living tips to save money on transportation

33) Downsize car
If you have a car that’s costing you more money than it’s worth, then downsize or get rid of it altogether.
You can save a lot of money by getting rid of your car payment and insurance. If you need a car, consider a smaller and more fuel-efficient model.
34) Work from home
If you have the option to work from home, then take it. You can save a lot of money on transportation costs by working from home.
Plus, you’ll have more time to spend with your family and friends.
35) Walk or bike for short trips
Walking or biking is a great way to get some exercise and save money on transportation.
If you live close to where you need to go, consider walking or biking instead of driving. It’s good for your health and your wallet.
36) Carpool whenever possible
If you have to drive, then carpool with friends or family. You can save money on gas and wear and tear on your car.
It’s also better for the environment.
37) Shop around for low priced gas
There are a lot of gas stations out there and they all have different prices.
Shop around for the lowest price and fill up your tank when the price is low. This will save you money over time.
38) Become a one-car household
If you can, become a one-car household. It’s not always possible, but it can save you a lot of money.
You won’t have to pay for multiple cars, insurance, or gas.
39) Shop around for lower insurance rates
Auto insurance rates can vary a lot from company to company. Make sure to shop around and get the best rate possible.
You can save a lot of money by doing this.
40) Keep your tires inflated
It’s important to keep your tires inflated. This can save you money on gas and prevent flats.
Check your tires regularly and inflate them when needed.
41) Sell your car and use public transportation
If you live in a city, you may be able to get by without a car.
Sell your car and use public transportation. This can save you a lot of money on gas, insurance, and maintenance.
42) Wash your own car
You can save money by washing your own car. It’s not that hard to do and it’s a lot cheaper than taking it to the car wash.
43) Batch errands together
Instead of making multiple trips, batch your errands together. This will save you time and money on gas.
44) Remove excess weight in the car
If you have a lot of stuff in your car, remove it. The heavier your car is, the more fuel it will use.
So, take out anything that you don’t need to save money on gas.
45) Use less gas, don’t speed
Along with removing the risk of having to pay a speeding ticket, going the speed limit has many benefits. One of which is saving money on gas.
The faster you go, the more fuel your car will use. So, save money and drive the speed limit.
46) Avoid tolls
If possible, avoid tolls. They can add up quickly and they’re not worth the time or money.
There are usually alternative routes that you can take to avoid them.
47) Refinance your auto loan
If you have an auto loan, you may be able to refinance it and get a lower interest rate. This will save you money over the life of the loan.
To refinance your auto loan, make sure to shop around and compare rates. There are a lot of options out there and you want to make sure you get the best rate possible.
48) Roll down windows instead of the AC
In the summer, it’s tempting to use the air conditioning in your car. However, this can really eat into your gas mileage.
Instead, roll down the windows and enjoy the fresh air. You’ll save money on gas and you’ll get some fresh air at the same time.
49) Keep up with oil changes
It’s important to keep up with oil changes. This will help your car run better and last longer.
It’s also a lot cheaper to change your oil yourself than it is to take it to a shop. Regular tune-ups for your car will also save you money in the long run and extend the life of your vehicle.
50) Buy flights on a Monday or Tuesday
If you’re looking to save money on flights, the best days to buy are typically Monday or Tuesday. This is because airlines often release their cheapest fares on these days.
So, if you’re flexible with your travel dates, try to book your flights on a Monday or Tuesday to get the best deal.
51) Fly on an off-peak time
In addition to flying on a Monday or Tuesday, you can also save money by flying during an off-peak time.
This includes times such as early morning or late at night. The prices for these flights are typically much cheaper than during peak times.
52) Rent out your place when you travel
If you’re going to be out of town for a while, consider renting out your place. This can help offset the cost of your trip and it’s a great way to make some extra money.
There are a number of websites that can help you find renters for your place. Just be sure to do your research and choose a reputable platform like Airbnb or Vrbo.
53) Sign up for email alerts on cheap flights
There are a number of websites that offer email alerts for cheap flights. This can be a great way to save money on travel.
All you have to do is sign up for the alerts and they’ll notify you when there are deals on flights to your desired destination.
54) Join a frequent flier program
If you fly often, consider joining a frequent flier program. This can help you save money on flights and get other benefits such as free upgrades and complimentary checked bags.
There are a number of different programs to choose from so be sure to do your research and find the one that’s best for you.
55) Fly with a budget airline
If you’re looking to save money on flights, consider flying with a budget airline. These airlines typically have lower fares than major carriers.
However, they may have fewer amenities and services. So, be sure to read the fine print before booking your flight.
56) Get a travel rewards credit card
If you travel often, a travel rewards credit card can help you save money on flights and other travel expenses.
These cards typically offer points or miles for every dollar you spend on travel. You can then use these points to book flights, hotels, or other travel expenses.
Just be sure to pay off your balance in full each month.
57) Do a road trip instead of flying whenever possible
Whenever possible, try to take a road trip instead of flying. This can be a great way to save money on travel.
You’ll just need to factor in the cost of gas and lodging. But, if you’re able to drive to your destination, it can be a lot cheaper than flying.
58) Compare prices on multiple booking sites
When you’re booking travel, be sure to compare prices on multiple booking sites. This can help you find the best deal.
Some popular booking sites include Expedia, Travelocity, and Kayak. Just be sure to read the fine print before booking to make sure there are no hidden fees.
59) Travel with a reusable water bottle
One way to save money while traveling is to bring a reusable water bottle. This will help you avoid buying bottled water while you’re on the go.
Just be sure to fill up your bottle before you leave so you’ll have plenty of water for your trip.
60) Travel during the low season
If you’re looking to save money on travel, consider traveling during the low season. This is typically the time when there are fewer tourists.
As a result, hotels and flights are typically cheaper. Just be sure to check the weather before you go to make sure it’s a good time to visit your destination.
61) Avoid exchanging money at the airport
If you’re traveling internationally, avoid exchanging money at the airport. The rates are typically not as good as you’ll find at a bank or an exchange office.
Instead, exchange money before you leave on your trip. This way, you’ll have the local currency when you arrive.
62) Shop for package travel deals
When you’re planning a trip, be sure to look for package travel deals. This can help you save money on flights, hotels, and other travel expenses.
You can often find these deals on booking sites like Expedia or Travelocity. Just be sure to read the fine print before booking to make sure there are no hidden fees.
63) Buy the cheapest rental car and ask for an upgrade
If you’re renting a car, be sure to ask for an upgrade. You may be able to get a free upgrade if the rental car company has cars available.
Just be sure to compare prices before you book so you can get the best deal.
64) Buy a used car instead of a new car
If you’re looking to save money on a car, consider buying a used car instead of a new car. Used cars are typically much cheaper than new cars.
Plus, they depreciate in value less over time. So, you’ll be able to sell it for more money when you’re ready to upgrade.
Frugal living tips to save money on leisure and entertainment

65) Use an app like Honey for online shopping
If you’re doing any online shopping, be sure to use an app like Honey. This app can help you save money by finding coupons and deals on the items you’re looking to buy.
This can be a great way to save money on your online purchases with almost no extra effort or time required.
66) Shop on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace for cheap items
If you’re looking for cheap furniture or other items, be sure to check out Craigslist or Facebook marketplace. You can often find great deals on these platforms.
Just be sure to meet the seller in a public place and inspect the item before making a purchase.
67) Make DIY gifts
If you’re looking to save money on gifts, consider making DIY gifts instead of buying them. This can be a great way to personalize your gifts and save money at the same time.
There are tons of tutorials online for how to make DIY gifts. So, you should be able to find something that’s perfect when needed.
68) Shop around online for any purchases
If you’re looking to make a purchase, be sure to shop around online. This can help you find the best deals and save money.
Compare prices on multiple websites before making a purchase. This way, you’ll know you’re getting the best deal possible.
69) Shop second hand stores
If you’re looking for cheap clothes or other items, be sure to check out second hand stores. These stores typically sell items for a fraction of the cost of what they would be new.
Inspect the items before you buy them to make sure they’re in good condition.
70) Buy clothes at the end of the season
If you’re looking for cheap clothes, be sure to buy them at the end of the season. This is when stores are trying to get rid of their inventory to make room for new items.
As a result, you can often find great deals on clothing. Just be sure to check the return policy before you buy anything.
71) Stick to simple, classic items that can be worn many times
If you’re looking to save money on clothes, be sure to stick to simple, classic items that can be worn many times. These items will never go out of style and you’ll be able to wear them for years.
Plus, they can be dressed up or down to fit any occasion. So, you’ll get more use out of them.
72) Sell what you don’t wear
If you have clothes in your closet that you never wear, be sure to sell them. You can do this online or at a consignment store.
This will help you clear out your closet and make some extra money at the same time.
73) Sell unused gift cards for cash
If you have any unused gift cards, be sure to sell them for cash. You can do this online or at a kiosk in some stores.
This will help you get rid of the gift cards and get some extra money to save.
74) Take advantage of happy hours for socializing
If you’re looking to save money on nights out, be sure to take advantage of happy hours. This is when bars and restaurants offer discounts on drinks and food.
So, you can socialize without spending a lot of money. Just be sure to stay within your budget so you don’t end up spending more than you planned.
75) Go to the library for books and
The library is a great resource for books and movies. You can borrow these items for free and return them when you’re done.
This can be a great way to save money on entertainment expenses. Plus, it’s a great way to support your local library.
76) Use websites like Groupon for entertainment
Groupon is a great website for finding deals on entertainment. You can often find discounts on things like restaurants, movies, and concerts.
So, be sure to check it out the next time you’re looking for something to do.
77) Share wholesale club memberships
If you belong to a wholesale club like Costco or Sam’s Club, be sure to share your membership with friends or family. This can help you save money on your membership fee.
Plus, it will allow you to split the cost of things like food and gas with someone else.
78) Share subscriptions
If you have a subscription to a service like Netflix or Hulu, be sure to share it with someone else. This can help you save money on your monthly bill.
You can split the cost of the subscription with someone else and each of you will have access to the service.
79) Do free outdoor activities
There are plenty of outdoor activities that you can do for free. This includes things like hiking, biking, and picnicking.
So, be sure to take advantage of these activities when you’re looking for something to do.
80) Switch bank accounts if you’re paying a bank fee
If you’re paying a monthly bank fee, be sure to switch to a different bank. There are plenty of banks that don’t charge these fees.
You can save yourself some money each month by switching to a different bank.
81) Use Trim to reduce your monthly bills
Trim is a great website that can help you reduce your monthly bills. They will negotiate with your service providers to get you a lower rate.
Plus, they will cancel any subscriptions that you’re no longer using. This can be a great way to save money each month.
82) Cancel unnecessary subscriptions
If you have subscriptions that you’re no longer using, be sure to cancel them. This can help you save money on your monthly expenses.
There’s no reason to keep paying for a service that you’re not using. So, be sure to cancel any unnecessary subscriptions.
83) Use credit card rewards
If you have a credit card with rewards, be sure to use them for travel. This can help you save money on your next vacation.
You can often use your points or miles to pay for flights, hotels, and rental cars. So, be sure to take advantage of these rewards when planning your next trip.
84) Workout at home instead of a gym
If you’re looking to save money on your monthly expenses, be sure to workout at home instead of a gym. This can help you save money on your gym membership.
Plus, there are plenty of free workout videos and apps that you can use. So, you won’t have to miss out on your favorite workouts.
85) Do your own nails
If you’re looking to save money on your beauty expenses, be sure to do your own nails instead of going to a salon. This can help you save money on your monthly manicure/pedicure.
The nail salon can get expensive and it’s not always necessary. So, be sure to give yourself a manicure/pedicure at home.
86) Put your bills on auto-pay
If you’re looking to save time and money, be sure to put your bills on auto-pay. This can help you save money on late fees.
Plus, it will allow you to pay your bills on time each month. So, be sure to set up auto-pay for your bills.
87) Cut bad habits
Habits like smoking and drinking can get expensive. They can also take a toll on your health, resulting in medical bills to pay.
Cutting any bad habits that you have can help you save money everyday and improve your overall health.
88) Get your hair cut at a cosmetology school
If you’re looking to save money on your hair cut, be sure to get it done at a cosmetology school. This can help you save money on your monthly hair cut.
Cosmetology schools often charge less for their services. So, be sure to take advantage of this when getting your next haircut.
89) Buy generic brands
If you’re looking to save money on anything from toiletries to clothes, be sure to buy generic brands. This can help you save money on your monthly grocery bill.
Generic brands are often just as good as the name brand products. So, there’s no need to spend more money on the name brand items.
90) Shop clearance racks
If you’re looking to save money on clothes, be sure to shop the clearance racks. This can help you save money on your monthly clothing budget.
Many stores have clearance sections where you can find great deals on clothes. So, be sure to check these out when shopping for new clothes.
91) Return or sell items you don’t use
If you have items that you don’t use, be sure to return or sell them. This can help you save money on your monthly expenses.
There’s no reason to keep paying for something that you’re not using. So, be sure to get rid of any unnecessary items.
92) Shop at stores that price match
If you’re looking to save money on any purchase, be sure to shop at stores that price match. This can help you save money on your groceries, DIY projects or household products.
Many stores will price match their competitor’s prices. So, be sure to take advantage of this when shopping.
93) Cancel bank auto draft protection
If you have bank auto draft protection, be sure to cancel it. This can help you save money on your monthly expenses.
The fee for this protection is often around $20. So, there’s no reason to keep paying for it if you’re not using it.
94) Consolidate debt
If you’re looking to save money on your monthly expenses, be sure to consolidate your debt. This can help you save money on your interest payments.
Consolidating your debt can also help you get a lower interest rate. So, be sure to consolidation your debt if you’re looking to save money.
95) Cut fancy drinks and coffees
If you’re looking to save money, be sure to cut fancy drinks and coffees. Drinks like lattes and frappuccinos can get expensive. The same is true for cocktails and spirits.
Be sure to opt for a simpler drink if cutting these out of your life completely is out of the question.
96) Eliminate credit cards with an annual fee
If you’re looking to save money, be sure to eliminate any credit cards with an annual fee. These fees can add up and they’re often not worth it.
There are plenty of credit cards out there that don’t have an annual fee. You can find one that fits your needs without having to pay an annual fee and get access to more lucrative benefits like cash back rewards.

What are the benefits of being frugal?
Frugal living has many benefits. Some of the most notable advantages include having more money to save and invest, being less stressed about finances, and leading a simpler lifestyle.
When you live frugally, you are also more mindful about your spending habits and this can lead to making better financial decisions in the long run. Additionally, frugal living can help you become more self-sufficient and less reliant on others.
Finally, frugal living is often seen as a sustainable lifestyle choice since it doesn’t require excessive consumption or wastefulness. All of these factors make frugal living an attractive option for many people.
Frugal living is a great way to save money and become more conscious of your financial habits. By following the frugal living tips above, you can make strides in your personal finances and live a simpler lifestyle.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article on frugal living tips. If you have any frugal living tips of your own, please reach out and share them with me!
For more tips on budgeting, check out my article on the best free budget templates or the best budget planners on the market.
If you’re looking to make an even bigger impact on your finances after implementing some of these frugal living tips, read my article about ways to make extra income online.